365 Days of Sex!

365 Days of Sex!
sweet lovemaking

Saturday, December 19, 2009

365 day sex challenge

My husband and I have been together for over a decade... to us, it seems like we've never not been together. We are one of those couples who found each other one fateful afternoon and have been inseparable since. We have four beautiful children and a wonderful life together... We have explored Tantric sex for many years and have been looking for new and exciting positions and activities to add to our lovemaking...

This is our challenge to you... We are committing to 365 days of sex... We will have sex once per day and participate in one additional sexual activity... oral sex, sex toy sex, foreplay,. orgasmic mediation, etc. each and everyday for the next 365 days... Regardless of illness, family issues, or any other potential inconveniences.

Our first task... to come up with this years program of positions and additional sexual adventures ... Your task: we want to hear your thoughts, suggested positions, and additional sex adventure ideas... We will choose from your suggestions and create our yearly program...try one sexual position per day and one sexual adventure outside of penetrative sex per day and then blog about our experiences...

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